

powered by AI

Email Marketing
AI Engine

Retentics AI optimizes email campaigns and flows exclusively for Klaviyo.



    Numbers talk for themselves

    Retentics: AI target, Recommendation product

    Broadcasting: Random target, Popular product

    Campaign A
    Higher Conversion Rate
    Campaign B
    Increase Revenue
    Campaign A
    Higher CVR from CRM
    Campaign B
    Increase in ARPPU
    Campaign A
    Higher CVR from CRM
    Campaign B
    Revenue Generated

    video area

    Effortless Integration with Your Current ESP

    Install Retentics from the Shopify app store and integrate with Klaviyo.

    *If you are not using Shopify or Klaviyo, !

    Retentics AI

    the Most Resource-Intensive Tasks for You!

    A.I Defined User Segmentation

    Look no further for effective customer segmentation

    Dynamic Product Recommendation

    Elevate your user experience with hyper-personalized recommendation

    Flow Optimization

    AI keeps optimizing to maximize revenue

    Does your email marketing tool struggle to

    evaluate the best segmentation conditions?

    cross-sell, up-sell or bundle?

    design personalized campaigns based on your customer’s journey?

    optimize flows tailored to your customers?

    Discover the
    Future of Email Marketing
    with Retentics

    Easy optimization.
    Outperforming AI features.
    Revenue-based optimization.

    Purchase Conversion Rate

    Start simpleStart Retentics!

    Start simple Start Retentics!

    By clicking the submit button, you agree to allow Retentics to store and process the information above for contact purposes. Please read our Privacy Policy.